
NOME shelf floor, NOME side cabinet shelf, Noomi home brand store
Nomenomi shelf home store brand, if the temporary pain may be replaced by eternal beauty, those who are troubled by jagged teeth, boys and girls, must be willing to use a "wire" to contain their own "trouble" until the beauty comes. In fact, it is this delicate, flexible, special metal-made tooth wire, for our world "Le" out of a white, brilliant smile. Behind the beauty, the delicate tooth silk embodies an extraordinary technical content.
This tooth wire is called "nickel-titanium alloy tooth orthopaedic wire", belongs to the memory alloy products.
Fine teeth, almost the domestic memory alloy field of a few experts are involved together, with the teacher brother's enungration, the survival of the two companies, are tied to this "case" between. The fighting in the lawsuit is indeed fierce, the plaintiff nickel titanium company has repeatedly stressed that "nickel titanium alloy dental orthopaedic wire" is its own development, development, unique, and taken confidentiality measures of trade secrets, and sacrifice the "competition ban" killer: regardless of whether the plaintiff's technology constitutes a trade secret, you Wang Binming's own "non-competition agreement"
Should abide by it? And Wang Bingming has his own explanation: "Nickel-titanium alloy teeth orthopaedic wire" has long been a well-known technology, I went to the plaintiff's company before the master, you can not help but let me use their own knowledge and skills to make a living!
NOME shelf floor, NOME side cabinet shelf, Noomi home brand store.
在我国形状记忆合金研究领域,只有极少数的几位专家能够掌握相关产品的研制、开发和生产技术。王宾明正是这几位专家中的一个。王宾明,一位刚满30岁的工学博士,在校期间即开始从事形状记忆合金的研究工作,并在国内外发表多篇论文,曾因其有关记忆合金的研究工作获得国家科技进步二等奖以及其他诸多奖项, NOME货架层板,NOME边柜货架,诺米家居品牌店。
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